Thursday, April 12, 2012


Remember this movie ? KONGSI LU LANGSI LU MATI is my another past project with Metrowealth movie. My part as usual is to create a drift action in the chase scene.However with the limited time and last minute called up i just cannot give my best in this movie.

This is the scene that im talking about. The chase run with the police car.we supply the driftcar and also the two police car to be crash unfortunetly at this period no proton inspira in the road yet so the police evo is safe for now.hehe

The main cast is Malaysian actor Shahiezy Sam play a role as Thai assassin who killing all the chief gangster in Malaysia.

This is the first time in Malaysia they are no road close for movie shooting. All the public car is on the road while the chase and run scene to be in action.

The driftcar in this movie is nissan silvia s13/180sx .Within 1 week period we just do the proper setup with adjustable suspension by ISC , stabilizer bar by ULTRA RACING , 2 way lsd , and racing engine oils from TORCO OILS. rather then that its just a stock car.

So what happens when u give a drifter drift in the open road in the middle of kl?

A total wrecked junkyard car at my parking lot. erk!

as long as the total cinema collection is 8.7 million the director is happy enuff and more to come for sure!

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