The story reveals about a frustrated man named Dev, lives lonely life who drinks and treats his car as is companion. One fine day, as he is buying beer in a convenient store, his car been stolen by some thugs. He chases them to get back his car. As he managed to get back his car accidently he saved a boy named Arun, who was hiding in his car while the thugs were trying to get the boy out of the car they stole the car.
Knowing this he had no choice than to give Arun a shelter to live with him in his apartment. As the boy lives with Dev, they become closer day by day. Arun tells Dev, why he is on the run. The thugs are actually been hired by a human trafficker who was trying to abduct 10 children to our neighbour country. Arun who is in the list of the 10 children escaped from there.
Dev decide to lodge a report against the trafficker which becomes even a bigger problem where they tow away his favourite car and makes a deal with Dev to exchange the car with the boy and not to make a report. Dev had no choice than to exchange the boy for his car. Dev realizes his mistake and decide to rescue the boy.
At the end Dev adopts Arun has his own son and lives a beautiful life.
The movie ‘Mainthen’ is by C Kumaresan, an actor/director, fame of Gerak Khas, Metro Skuad, Si Capik, Serapah Darah Bulan Madu under SKOP PRODUCTION while Tamil film like Athma, Uruvam and Undercover Rascal.
The Official launch is been held at FINAS.
with datuk Yusof Haslam behind this should be intrsting filem to watch.
and me as usuall will doing the chase stunt and drifting stunt ..stay tune for my updates when we hit the road with my FC3S , FD3S and RX3 ! in the middle of Kuala Lumpur..